Package 'GECal'

Title: Generalized Entropy Calibration
Description: Generalized Entropy Calibration produces calibration weights using generalized entropy as the objective function for optimization. This approach, as implemented in the 'GECal' package, is based on Kwon, Kim, and Qiu (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.01076>. Unlike traditional methods, 'GECal' incorporates design weights into the constraints to maintain design consistency, rather than including them in the objective function itself.
Authors: Yonghyun Kwon [aut, cre] , Jae Kwang Kim [aut] , Yumou Qiu [aut]
Maintainer: Yonghyun Kwon <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.6
Built: 2025-02-27 02:44:49 UTC

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Performing statistical inference after calibration


estimate performs statistical inference after calibration.


estimate(formula, data = NULL, calibration, pimat = NULL)



An object of class "formula" specifying the calibration model.


An optional data frame containing the variables in the model (specified by formula).


An object of class "calibration", generated by GECalib.


An optional matrix contatining the joint inclusion probability matrix used for variance estimation.


A list of class estimation including the point estimates and its standard error.


Kwon, Y., Kim, J., & Qiu, Y. (2024). Debiased calibration estimation using generalized entropy in survey sampling. Arxiv preprint <>

Deville, J. C., and Särndal, C. E. (1992). Calibration estimators in survey sampling. Journal of the American statistical Association, 87(418), 376-382.


N = 10000
x = data.frame(x1 = rnorm(N, 2, 1), x2= runif(N, 0, 4))
pi = pt((-x[,1] / 2 - x[,2] / 2), 3);
pi = ifelse(pi >.7, .7, pi)

delta = rbinom(N, 1, pi)
Index_S = (delta == 1)
pi_S = pi[Index_S]; d_S = 1 / pi_S
x_S = x[Index_S,,drop = FALSE]
# pimat = diag(d_S^2 - d_S) / N^2 # 1 / pi_i * (1 - 1 / pi_i)

e = rnorm(N, 0, 1)
y = x[,1] + x[,2] + e;
y_S = y[Index_S] # plot(x_S, y_S)

calibration0 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 1, dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                               const = N,
                               entropy = "SL", method = "DS")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration0)$estimate # Hajek estimator
# sum(y_S * d_S) * N / sum(d_S)

calibration <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 0, dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
const = numeric(0),
entropy = "SL", method = "DS")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration)$estimate # HT estimator

calibration1 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ ., dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                               const = colSums(cbind(1, x)),
                               entropy = "ET", method = "DS")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration1)$estimate

calibration2 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ ., dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                               const = colSums(cbind(1, x)),
                               entropy = "ET", method = "GEC0")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration2)$estimate

calibration3 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ . + g(d_S), dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                               const = colSums(cbind(1, x, log(1 / pi))),
                               entropy = "ET", method = "GEC")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration3)$estimate

calibration4 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ . + g(d_S), dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                               const = colSums(cbind(1, x, NA)),
                               entropy = "ET", method = "GEC")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration4)$estimate

calibration5 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ . + g(d_S), dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                               const = colSums(cbind(1, x, NA)),
                               entropy = "ET", method = "GEC", K_alpha = "log")
GECal::estimate(y_S ~ 1, calibration = calibration5)$estimate

Debiasing covariate for GECalib


It returns the debiasing covariate, which is equivalent to the first order derivatie of the generalized entropy GG.


g(x, entropy = NULL, del = NULL)



A vector of design weights


An optional data frame containing the variables in the model (specified by formula).


The optional vector for threshold (δ\delta) when entropy == "PH".


A vector of debiasing covariate.


N = 10000
x = data.frame(x1 = rnorm(N, 2, 1), x2= runif(N, 0, 4))
pi = pt((-x[,1] / 2 - x[,2] / 2), 3);
pi = ifelse(pi >.7, .7, pi)

g_EL <- g(1 / pi, entropy = 1)
g_ET <- g(1 / pi, entropy = 0)
g_EL <- g(1 / pi, entropy = -1)

Generalized Entropy Calibration


GEcalib computes the calibration weights. Generalized entropy calibration weights maximize the generalized entropy:

H(ω)=iAG(ωi),H(\bm{\omega}) = -\sum_{i \in A} G(\omega_i),

subject to the calibration constraints iAωizi=iUzi\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i \bm{z}_i = \sum_{i \in U} \bm{z}_i, where AA denotes the sample index, and UU represents the population index. The auxiliary variables, whose population totals are known, are defined as ziT=(xiT,g(di))\bm{z}_i^T = (\bm{x}_i^T, g(d_i)), where gg is the first-order derivative of the gerenalized entropy GG, and did_i is the design weight for each sampled unit iAi \in A.


  data = NULL,
  method = c("GEC", "GEC0", "DS"),
  entropy = c("SL", "EL", "ET", "CE", "HD", "PH"),
  weight.scale = 1,
  G.scale = 1,
  K_alpha = NULL, = TRUE,
  del = NULL,
  xtol = 1e-16,
  maxit = 1e+05,
  allowSingular = T



An object of class "formula" specifying the calibration model.


A vector of sampling weights.


An optional data frame containing the variables in the model (specified by formula).


A vector used in the calibration constraint for population totals( or means).


The method to be used in calibration. See "Details" for more information.


The generalized entropy used in calibration, which can be either a numeric value or a string. If numeric, entropy represents the order of Renyi's entropy, where G(ω)=r1(r+1)1ωr+1G(\omega) = r^{-1}(r+1)^{-1}\omega^{r+1} if r0,1r \neq 0, -1. If a string, valid options include: "SL" (Squared-loss, r=1r = 1), "EL" (Empirical Likelihood, r=1r = -1), "ET" (Exponential Tilting, r=0r = 0), "HD" (Hellinger Distance, r=1/2r = -1/2), "CE" (Cross-Entropy), and "PH" (Pseudo-Huber). See "Summary" for details.


Positive scaling factor for the calibration weights ωi\omega_i. Asymptotics justify setting weight.scale to the finite population correction (fpc=n/Nfpc = n / N).


Positive scaling factor for the generalized entropy function GG. Asymptotics justify setting G.scale to the variance of the error term in a linear super-population model.


The KK function used in joint optimization when the const of the debiasing covariate g(di)g(d_i) is not available. K_alpha can be NULL, "log", or custom functions. See "Details".

Logical, TRUE if sum(const[1]) equals the population size.


The optional threshold (δ\delta) used when Pseudo-Huber (PH) entropy is selected. del = quantile(dweight, 0.75) if not specified.


The GEcal object returns the calibration weights and necessary information for estimating population totals(or mean).

The terms to the right of the ~ symbol in the formula argument define the calibration constraints. When method == "GEC", the debiasing covariate g(dweight) must be included in the formula. If the population total(mean) of g(dweight) is unavailable, const that corresponds to g(dweight) can be set to NA. In this case, GECalib performs joint optimization over both the calibration weights ωi\omega_i and the missing value of const.

The length of the const vector should match the number of columns in the model.matrix generated by formula. Additionally, the condition number of the model.matrix must exceed .Machine$double.eps to ensure its invertibility.

Both weight.scale and G.scale are positive scaling factors used for calibration. Note that weight.scale is not supported when method == "DS".

Let qiq_i be the scaling factor for the generalized entropy function GG, and ϕi\phi_i be the scaling factor for the calibration weights ωi\omega_i.

If method == "GEC", GEcalib minimizes the negative entropy:

iAqiG(ϕiωi),\sum_{i \in A} q_iG(\phi_i\omega_i),

with respect to ω\bm \omega subject to the calibration constraints iAωizi=iUzi\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i \bm{z}_i = \sum_{i \in U} \bm{z}_i, where ziT=(xiT,qiϕig(ϕidi))\bm{z}_i^T = (\bm{x}_i^T, q_i \phi_i g(\phi_i d_i)), AA denotes the sample index, and UU represents the population index.

If method == "GEC", but an element of const corresponding to the debiasing covariate g(di)g(d_i) is NA, GEcalib minimizes the negative adjusted entropy:

iAqiG(ϕiωi)K(α),\sum_{i \in A} q_iG(\phi_i\omega_i) - K(\alpha),

with respect to ω\bm \omega and α\alpha subject to the calibration constraints iAωi(xiT,qiϕig(ϕidi))=(iUxi,α)\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i (\bm{x}_i^T, q_i \phi_i g(\phi_i d_i)) = \left(\sum_{i \in U} \bm x_i, \alpha \right), where the solution α^\hat \alpha is an estimate of population total for g(di)g(d_i). Examples of K(α)K(\alpha) includes K(α)=αK(\alpha) = \alpha when K_alpha == NULL, and

K(α)=(iAdig(di)+N)log1NiAqiϕiωig(ϕiωi)+1K(\alpha) = \left(\sum_{i \in A} d_i g(d_i) + N \right) \log \left| \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i \in A}q_i \phi_i \omega_i g(\phi_i \omega_i) + 1 \right|

when K_alpha == "log".

If method == "GEC0", GEcalib minimizes the negative adjusted entropy:

iAqiG(ϕiωi)qiϕiωig(ϕiωi)\sum_{i \in A} q_iG(\phi_i\omega_i) - q_i\phi_i\omega_i g(\phi_i \omega_i)

with respect to ω\bm \omega subject to the calibration constraints iAωixi=iUxi\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i \bm{x}_i = \sum_{i \in U} \bm{x}_i.

If method == "DS", GEcalib minimizes the divergence between ω\bm \omega and d\bm d:

iAqidiG~(ωi/di)\sum_{i \in A} q_id_i \tilde G(\omega_i / d_i)

with respect to ω\bm \omega subject to the calibration constraints iAωixi=iUxi\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i \bm{x}_i = \sum_{i \in U} \bm{x}_i. When method == "DS", weight.scale, the scaling factor for the calibration weights ϕi\phi_i, is not applicable.

Examples of GG and G~\tilde G are given in "Summary".


A list of class calibration including the calibration weights and data needed for estimation.


The table below provides a comparison between the GEC and DS methods.

minω(H(ω))=iAG(ωi)\min_{\bm \omega} \left(-H(\bm \omega)\right) = \sum_{i \in A}G(\omega_i) \quad minωD(ω,d)=iAdiG~(ωi/di)\quad \min_{\bm \omega} D(\bm \omega, \bm d) = \sum_{i \in A}d_i \tilde G(\omega_i / d_i)
s.t. iAωi(xiT,g(di))=iU(xiT,g(di))\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i (\bm{x}_i^T, g(d_i)) = \sum_{i \in U} (\bm{x}_i^T, g(d_i)) s.t. iAωixiT=iUxiT\sum_{i \in A} \omega_i \bm{x}_i^T = \sum_{i \in U} \bm{x}_i^T
G(ω)={1r(r+1)ωr+1r0,1ωlogωωr=0(ET)logωr=1(EL)G(\omega) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{r(r+1)} \omega^{r+1} & r \neq 0, -1\\ \omega \log \omega - \omega & r = 0\text{(ET)} \\ -\log \omega & r = -1\text{(EL)} \end{cases} G~(ω)={1r(r+1)(ωr+1(r+1)ω+r)r0,1ωlogωω+1r=0(ET)logω+ω1r=1(EL)\tilde G(\omega) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{r(r+1)} \left(\omega^{r+1} - (r+1)\omega + r\right) & r \neq 0, -1 \\ \omega \log \omega - \omega + 1 & r = 0\text{(ET)} \\ -\log \omega + \omega - 1 & r = -1\text{(EL)} \end{cases}

If method == "GEC", further examples include

G(ω)=(ω1)log(ω1)ωlogωG(\omega) = (\omega - 1) \log (\omega-1) - \omega \log \omega

when entropy == "CE", and

G(ω)=δ2(1+(ω/δ)2)1/2G(\omega) = \delta^2 \left(1 + (\omega / \delta)^2 \right)^{1/2}

for a threshold δ\delta when entropy == "PH".


Yonghyun Kwon


Kwon, Y., Kim, J., & Qiu, Y. (2024). Debiased calibration estimation using generalized entropy in survey sampling. Arxiv preprint <>

Deville, J. C., and Särndal, C. E. (1992). Calibration estimators in survey sampling. Journal of the American statistical Association, 87(418), 376-382.


N = 10000
x = data.frame(x1 = rnorm(N, 2, 1), x2= runif(N, 0, 4))
pi = pt((-x[,1] / 2 - x[,2] / 2), 3);
pi = ifelse(pi >.7, .7, pi)

delta = rbinom(N, 1, pi)
Index_S = (delta == 1)
pi_S = pi[Index_S]; d_S = 1 / pi_S
x_S = x[Index_S,]

# Deville & Sarndal(1992)'s calibration using divergence
w1 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ ., dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                    const = colSums(cbind(1, x)),
                    entropy = "ET", method = "DS")$w

# Generalized entropy calibration without debiasing covariate 
w2 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ ., dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                    const = colSums(cbind(1, x)),
                    entropy = "ET", method = "GEC0")$w
all.equal(w1, w2)

# Generalized entropy calibration with debiasing covariate
w3 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ . + g(d_S), dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                    const = colSums(cbind(1, x, log(1 / pi))),
                    entropy = "ET", method = "GEC")$w
# Generalized entropy calibration with debiasing covariate
# when its population total is unknown
w4 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ . + g(d_S), dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
                    const = colSums(cbind(1, x, NA)),
                    entropy = "ET", method = "GEC")$w
all.equal(w1, w4)

w5 <- GECal::GEcalib(~ . + g(d_S), dweight = d_S, data = x_S,
const = colSums(cbind(1, x, NA)),
entropy = "ET", method = "GEC", K_alpha = "log")$w

Synthetic pesticides data in Iowa


A synthetic proprietary pesticide usage survey data in Iowa CRD(Crop Reporting District) collected from GfK Kynetec in 2020.


A data frame with 1197 rows on the following 32 variables:

Corn10, Corn20, Corn30, Corn40, Corn50, Corn60, Corn70

Haversted acres of corn in each CRD

Soybean10, Soybean20, Soybean30, Soybean40, Soybean50, Soybean60, Soybean70, Soybean90

Haversted acres of soybean in each CRD

Alfalfa10, Alfalfa30, Alfalfa40, Alfalfa50, Alfalfa70, Alfalfa80

Haversted acres of alfalfa in each CRD

Pasture10, Pasture20, Pasture30, Pasture40, Pasture50, Pasture60, Pasture70, Pasture80, Pasture90

Acres of pasture in each CRD


Design weights, or inverse first-order inclusion probabilities of the sample


Pesticide usage($) which is of an interest.


The original data is contaminated by adding noise and creating missing values and imputation.



total <- c(
Corn10 = 2093000, Corn20 = 1993600, Corn30 = 1803200, Corn40 = 2084600, 
Corn50 = 2056600, Corn60 = 1429400, Corn70 = 2539600,
Soybean10 = 1472980, Soybean20 = 1192860, Soybean30 = 721920, 
Soybean40 = 1477680, Soybean50 = 1353600, Soybean60 = 918380,
Soybean70 = 1485200, Soybean90 = 777380, Alfalfa10 = 60590, 
Alfalfa30 = 154395, Alfalfa40 = 57816, Alfalfa50 = 150453,
Alfalfa70 = 66065, Alfalfa80 = 240681, Pasture10 = 141947, 
Pasture20 = 61476, Pasture30 = 188310, Pasture40 = 213635,
Pasture50 = 160737, Pasture60 = 222214, Pasture70 = 250807, 
Pasture80 = 570647, Pasture90 = 232630

calibration <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 0, dweight = d, data = IAdata,
                              const = numeric(0),
                              entropy = "EL", method = "DS")
GECal::estimate(y ~ 1, data = IAdata, calibration = calibration, pimat = IApimat)$estimate

calibration <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 0 + . -y -d, dweight = d, data = IAdata,
                              const = total,
                              entropy = "SL", method = "DS")
GECal::estimate(y ~ 1, data = IAdata, calibration = calibration, pimat = IApimat)$estimate

calibration <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 0 + . -y -d, dweight = d, data = IAdata,
                              const = c(total),
                              entropy = "ET", method = "DS")
GECal::estimate(y ~ 1, data = IAdata, calibration = calibration, pimat = IApimat)$estimate

calibration <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 0 + . -y -d + g(d), dweight = d, data = IAdata,
                              const = c(total, NA),
                              entropy = "HD", method = "GEC")
GECal::estimate(y ~ 1, data = IAdata, calibration = calibration, pimat = IApimat)$estimate

calibration <- GECal::GEcalib(~ 0 + . -y -d, dweight = d, data = IAdata,
                              const = total,
                              entropy = "HD", method = "GEC0")
GECal::estimate(y ~ 1, data = IAdata, calibration = calibration, pimat = IApimat)$estimate

A matrix used for variance estimation in IAdata


The matrix that is used for variance estimation in IAdata. The sample is collected from a straitified random sampling.

